All of the identify special characteristics shall identify process control documents including drawings, FMEAs, control plans. 所有特殊特性都应确定过程控制文件,包括图纸、FMEAS、控制计划。
We can manufacture and process clothes according to customer's samples and drawings; meanwhile we provide the new designing, development to customers. 可根据客户的要求进行来图来样加工生产,也可为客户提供新品的开发设计生产。
However, this process is now often buried in over-worshipping for virtualized effect of architectural drawings, and due to negligence of how to consistently and thoroughly realize design processes, which has resulted in many poorly made architectural works in china. 但这一过程常被淹没在对建筑设计图面虚拟效果的过度崇拜之中,而忽视了如何将设计构思完整地贯穿并在建造过程中实现等问题,导致中国大量当代建筑粗制滥造。
Benday process: A method of mechanically transferring dots or texture pattrens to produce tonal value in line drawings. 本戴制版法:用机械方法把网点或纹理图案转移到线条画上以产生明暗色调的效果。
The technology is employed in theory based on characteristics and used to generate each process drawings by means of conversed formation. 该技术利用基于特征的理论,采用逆向重构法生成各道工序图。
Process schematic drawings were given. 给出了具体的工艺流程简图。
Through analyzing of the existing NC programming system, an automatic programming system of NC blanking process for panels is developed, which is adopted the technology of2D drawings feature. 本文以钣金冲切件为研究对象,对面向图形特征的自动数控编程技术进行了研究,并开发了一个面向图形特征的自动数控编程系统。
The site application showed that the system realized the automation of process management in the full life cycle of mining drawings and improved the working efficiency. 现场应用表明,该系统实现了矿图全生命周期流程管理的自动化,提高了办公效率。
Terminate grounding cable to all motors, structures, process equipment and other items as shown on the drawings. 接地电缆终端应接至图纸所示的所有发动机、结构、工艺设备以及其他物件。
This paper introduces a script-based general framework for drawing interpretation which is applied to process architectural drawings. 文章结合对建筑工程图的处理,针对面向图档理解的应用程序的开发,提出了一个基于脚本的通用框架。
The report shows the complete process of general planning, architectural scheme, design enlargement, construction drawings and interior design. 反映金茂大厦超高层建筑从总体规划到建筑方案、扩初、施工图设计、以及室内设计的的全过程。
Inputing the interrelated parameters of the draw piece, the system can automatically build the technics data and the process charts of the parts such as the part drawings, the working procedure designs and so on. 使用该系统,只需根据零件的图样输入拉深件的相关参数,系统即可自动生成该零件的所有工艺数据,并自动生成内容详实的工艺卡,包括工件图、工序图等。
Definitions of feature node and in-process model are put forward. With these concepts analysis of model feature tree can be performed and mapping of feature nodes to in-process models can be realized. Based on these, some process drawings can be obtained through feature roll-back. 提出了特征节点和工艺间模型的概念,对模型特征树进行分析,实现特征节点到工艺间模型的映射,利用特征回退技术直接得到部分工序的工序图形。
Such a process can shorten the period of product designing, and can solve the problems of having no drawings. So we can realize no paper manufacture. 这一实验过程证明:反求工程的利用,可以大大缩短产品的设计周期,解决无图纸问题,从而达到无纸化生产的要求。
According to characteristics of the drive ratch-et, the process of forming technique for the part has been determined; the drawings of cold extrusion have been made out and the technique parameters been calculated and been checked with introduction of extrusion die structure. 根据传动棘轮的特点,确定该零件的成形工艺流程,制订了零件的冷挤压图,计算及校核各工艺参数,并介绍了挤压模具的结构特点。
And the flow of surface reconstruction and the methods of data process based on engineering drawings and point cloud of die surface is put forward and researched. 提出并研究了基于二维工程图与模具型面点云的曲面重构流程和数据处理方法。
And all these problems: determination of process facies, dimension classification, determination of elements of dimension, determination of dimension in part process drawings corresponding to dimension in design drawing and comparation them have been solved. 解决了加工面图素的确定、尺寸标注单元的分类、确定尺寸单元约束图素、确定设计图与工艺图中的对应尺寸单元并加以比较等问题。
This paper introduces the type of work organization and flow process of ISOGEN software of PDS for generating piping segment isometric drawings, briefs the intention of development and working scope, and presents for the application in engineering projects. 介绍了PDS轴测图生成软件IOSGEN的工作组织形式及流程,概述开发的目标和工作内容,介绍了在工程中的应用情况。
On the thinking process and effective thinking method of reading drawings 论读图的思维过程及有效思维方法
The database system could manage the design process, drawings, design result and analysis result, and it can also support update of product design, examination and release, which realizes rapid index and query of design information. 该数据库系统管理设计过程、图纸文件、设计结果和分析结果,支持产品的设计变更、审批和发布,实现快速设计信息的检索与查询。
A Study on the Psychological Process in Reading Engineering Drawings 关于识图心理过程的分析研究
Meanwhile, in order to meet welding process requirements, footprint drawings are designed to determine the mutual position of welding pipes and meet the precision requirements of the welding assembly design. 同时为满足后续焊接工艺要求,系统通过绘制脚印图,确定焊接管件之间的相对位置关系,满足焊接装配的精度要求。
Then it introduces the pretreatment process of engineering drawings and the related techniques, including coordinates normalization, the decomposition of engineering drawings and so on. 然后,论文介绍了工程图预处理过程及其相关处理技术,包括坐标系归一和工程图分解等。
As the confluence area of information stream and material flow, manufacturing workshop use the existing terminal equipment to query, manage, store and release information, such as production status, material information and process drawings. 制造车间是产品生产过程中信息流和物流的交汇处,通过现有的信息交互终端实现信息的查询,存储和发布,实现生产状态,物料信息,人员状态和工艺图纸的查询和管理。
Research emphasis is the following three points. First is overall design projective and production process. Second is software and hardware development environment configuration. Third is drawings and data of virtual campus for planning and management. 第二章主要对虚拟校园项目开发前的准备工作进行阐述,着重研究虚拟校园总体设计目标和开发制作流程、软件硬件开发环境的配置、图纸和数据资料进行规划和管理。
Based on this lack of a collaborative process management study of the basic theory, discussed collaborative in the basic process management applications are given collaborative process management and documentation tasks drawings management reference model. 2. 本文基于这种不足,研究了协同工艺管理的基本理论,论述了协同在工艺管理方面的基本应用,给出了协同工艺任务管理和文档图纸管理的参考模型。
Introduced the structure and system function of the experiment bench, and explained respectively the section of hybrid power system and hydraulic simulating load system. The process of designing and building is expressed by drawings and pictures. 介绍了混合动力液压挖掘机试验台架的组成和系统功能,分别阐述了混合动力源系统部分和液压模拟加载系统部分的设计情况,并通过图纸和照片展示了台架的搭建。
Participants can use the system to process engineering data such as documents, drawings, which significantly improve the efficiency of collaborative work. 利用它,多参与方可以通过网络处理诸如文档、图纸之类的工程资料,从而显著提高协同工作效率。
At present, the airplane assembly process design mostly used 2d drawings for the basis, but the effect is poor. If the visualization methods is used by three-dimensional model, it will be imaged and intuitively said that it was easy to understand. 目前,飞机装配工艺设计大多以二维图纸为依据,其方法可视化效果差,但应用三维模型可以形象的、直观的表示,易于理解。
However, the process of new product design, engineering drawings a lot needs to be designed, modify, see is inevitable. 然而新产品的制造、设计过程中,大量的工程技术图纸需要被设计、修改、参阅是不可避免的。